Saturday, June 30, 2012

My NEW Website!

Hi everyone,

I now have a cool new website!  It is up and running and I hope everyone enjoys the visit. The only page I have to work on is my sculpting gallery page. That will be updated soon.

The web address is:

I have decided to offer painted horse commissions and I am very much look forward to painting many beautiful horses.  I love sculpting but I have sure grown to love painting horses too. I've been working very hard to progress my paining skills over the past few months so that I can offer live show quality model horses. I hope it will be good way for me to help support my family and so I can sculpt horses. My husband is giving me my big chance to do what I love and I'm working full time in my studio. It's a little messy from working hard but this is my studio (below).

I also have my good friend Kimm Gant working with me in my studio a few times a week. I've set up her own space so she can air brush pretty model horses. It's a lot of fun getting to share ideas and having someone to work with.

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